When it comes to mobile application testing, Appium is the go-to name that springs to mind.
In today’s tech landscape, countless mobile applications are developed daily. To ensure their functionality and compliance, developers turn to testing platforms like Appium. With the mobile app development industry booming, Appium is at the forefront, striving to maintain efficiency and excellence in its services.
As Appium seeks to bolster its workforce, the interview process becomes crucial for selecting the right candidates. If you’re eyeing a position within the company, acing the interview is essential to prove your worth.
Interviews can be daunting, but being prepared with the right questions can greatly improve your chances of success. To help you navigate the Appium interview process, we’ve compiled a list of potential questions that may be asked during the interview. These questions serve as a guide to give you an idea of what to expect and how to prepare effectively.
So, without further ado, delve into the following Appium Interview Questions and test your knowledge.

Appium Interview Questions For 5 Years Experience
Q.1 Mention what are the basic requirement for writing Appium tests?AnsFor writing Appium tests you require,–Driver Client: Appium drives mobile applications as though it were a user. Using a client library you write your Appium tests which wrap your test steps and sends to the Appium server over HTTP.Appium Session: You have to first initialize a session, as such Appium test takes place in the session. Once the Automation is done for one session, it can be ended and wait for another sessionDesired Capabilities: To initialize an Appium session you need to define certain parameters known as “desired capabilities” like PlatformName, PlatformVersion, Device Name and so on. It specifies the kind of automation one requires from the Appium server.Driver Commands: You can write your test steps using a large and expressive vocabulary of commands.
Q.2 Mention what are the possible errors one might encounter using Appium?Ans:The possible errors one might face in Appium includes–Error 1: The following desired capabilities are needed but not provided: Device Name, platformNameError 2: Could not find adb. Please set the ANDROID_HOME environment variable with the Android SDK root directory pathError 3: openqa.selenium.SessionNotCreatedException: A new session could not be createdError 4: How to find DOM element or XPath in a mobile application?
Q.3 Do you need a server machine to run tests on Appium?Ans:No, you don’t need server machine to run tests on Appium. Appium facilitates a 2-tier architecture where a test machine connects to a test server running Appium and automating the whole thing. You can have Appium running on the same machine where your test runs.
Q.4 Is it possible to interact with my apps using Javascript while I am testing with Appium?Ans:Yes, it is possible to interact with App while using Javascript. When the commands run on Appium, the server will send the script to your app wrapped into an anonymous function to be executed.
Q.5 Mention what are the most difficult scenarios to test with Appium?Ans:The most difficult scenario to test with Appium is data exchange.
Q.6 While using Appium can I run my tests in a multithreaded environment?Ans:Yes, you can run the test in a multithreaded environment but you have to ensure that no more than one test runs at the same time against the same Appium server.
Q.7 In Android, do you need an app’s .apk to automate using Appium or you also need app in my workspace?Ans:In Android, you only need .apk file to automate using Appium.
Q.8 Explain what is Appium package master? How to create package?Ans:Appium package master is a set of tools manage and create appium packages. For example to create package you can use the code–# using es7/babe1–Gulp create-package –n <package-name>–#regular es5–Gulp create-package —nobabe1 –n <package-name>–The package will be generated in the out/<package-name>
Q.9 Explain how test frameworks are supported by Appium?Ans:Appium does not support test framework as such there is no need to support them. Appium can be used with any frameworks you want.
Appium Interview Questions For 3 Years Experience
Q.1 Explain what is Appium?Ans:Appium is a freely distributed open source mobile application UI Testing framework.
Q.2 List out the Appium abilities?Ans:Appium abilities are–Test WebProvides cross-platform for Native and Hybrid mobile automationSupport JSON wire protocolIt does not require recompilation of AppSupport automation test on physical device as well as similar or emulator bothIt has no dependency on mobile device
Q.3 List out the pre-requisite to use APPIUM?Ans:Pre-requisite to use APPIUM is–ANDROID SDKJDKTestNGEclipseSelenium Server JARWebdriver Language Binding LibraryAPPIUM for WindowsAPK App Info On Google Playjs
Q.4 List out the limitations of using Appium?Ans:Appium does not support testing of Android Version lower than 4.2Limited support for hybrid app testing. E.g., not possible to test the switching action of application from the web app to native and vice-versaNo support to run Appium Inspector on Microsoft Windows
Q.5 Explain how to find DOM element or xPath in a mobile application?Ans:To find the DOM element use “UIAutomateviewer” to find DOM element for Android application.
Q.6 Explain the design concept of Appium?Ans:Appium is an “HTTP Server” written using Node.js platform and drives iOS and Android session using Webdriver JSON wire protocol. Hence, before initializing the Appium Server, Node.js must be pre-installed on the systemWhen Appium is downloaded and installed, then a server is setup on our machine that exposes a REST APIIt receives connection and command request from the client and execute that command on mobile devices (Android / iOS)It responds back with HTTP responses. Again, to execute this request, it uses the mobile test automation frameworks to drive the user interface of the apps. Framework likeApple Instruments for iOS (Instruments are available only in Xcode 3.0 or later with OS X v10.5 and later)Google UIAutomator for Android API level 16 or higherSelendroid for Android API level 15 or less
Q.7 What language does Appium support?Ans:Appium support any language that support HTTP request like Java, JavaScript with Node.js, Python, Ruby, PHP, Perl, etc.
Q.8 Explain the pros and cons of Appium?Ans:Pros:–For programmer irrespective of the platform, he is automating ( Android or iOS) all the complexities will remain under single Appium serverIt opens the door to cross-platform mobile testing which means the same test would work on multiple platformsAppium does not require extra components in your App to make it automation friendlyIt can automate Hybrid, Web and Native mobile applicationsCons:–Running scripts on multiple iOS simulators at the same time is possible with AppiumIt uses UIAutomator for Android Automation which supports only Android SDK platform, API 16 or higher and to support the older API’s they have used another open source library called Selendroid
Q.9 Explain what is APPIUM INSPECTOR?Ans:Similar to Selenium IDE record and Playback tool, Appium has an “Inspector” to record and playback. It records and plays native application behavior by inspecting DOM and generates the test scripts in any desired language. However, Appium Inspector does not support Windows and use UIAutomator viewer in its option.
Appium Interview Questions And Answers
Q1. What are Mobile Web Apps?Ans:There are the mobile webs pages are those web apps that by are accessed with the mobile browsers. In case of IOS platform, Appium supports Safari and for the android platform, Chrome or any other built in browser is used.
Q2. What are hybrid apps?Ans:Those apps that are equipped with wrapper around the web view is known as a Hybrid app. This is native control that will facilitate the interaction with the web content.
Q3. Name the language that is used to write tests in Appium?Ans:The tests of Appium are written is any language and this is because appium is nothing but a HTTP server. It is also important that the test should be interfaced with Appium and it use HTTP libraries so that they can create HTTP sessions.In order to create the right commands in Appium then all you need to know Selenium protocol.The most sought after development frame works are .Net, C#, Java, Python, JavaScript and Ruby.
Q4.Which are the prerequisites to use Appium?Ans:The pre-requisites that are used in Appium. They are listed below.–1. Eclipse IDE2. Android SDK3. TestNG4. Web driver language binding library5. JS6. JDK7. APK App Info on Google play8. Selenium server jar9. Appium for Windows
Q5. Write the advantages of using of Appium.Ans:The advantages of Appium are listed below:-–1. Using the same API, Appium will allow you to write tests that are against mobile platforms.2. By using any kind of test frame work or language you can write and run the tests.3. Appium is an open source platform so you can contribute to it easily.4. For the hybrid mobile applications and Native, Appium provides cross platform.5. Appium supports JSON wire protocol.6. Appium do not require recompilation of App.7. Appium also supports automation test on the physical devices and also for simulator or emulator both.8. Appium does not have any dependency on mobile devices.
Q6. Name the test frame works that are supported by Appium.Ans:Test frame works are not supported by appium since there is no need to do it. All test frame works can be used by Appium. Some examples are .net unit test and NUnit. A test for Appium is written using one of the drivers so that the tests can interface with the appium in case of external dependency.
Q7. Write down the disadvantages of Appium?Ans:The disadvantages of Appium are listed below:-–1. The testing of those android that are lower than 4.2 is not allowed.2. Appium has limited support for hybrid app testing. You will not be able to test the action that allows switching of applications from native to web app and from web app to native.3. There is no support that will allow you to run Appium inspector on Microsoft windows.
Q8. What are the requirements to write Appium tests?Ans:There are certain basic requirements when it comes to write Appium tests and they are:-–1. Driver client – Mobile applications are driven by Appium like that of a user. With the help of a client library Appium tests can be written and these will wrap the steps of a test and then send it Appium over the HTTP.2. Appium Session – Appium tests takes place within a session so it is important to initialize an appium session first. Once there is an end to the automation of a session it will be ended and wait again for the next session.3. The desired capabilities – In order to initialize an appium session it is very important to design some parameters which are known as desired parameters. These parameters are platform version, platform name, device name and many more. This also helps in specifying the type of automation that is required from the Appium server.4. Driver Command – In Appium you have the facility to write the tests by using a big and expressive collection of commands.
Q9. Name the Appium inspector.Ans:Just like a selenium IDE playback and record tool, Appium consist of an inspector that is used to record and playback. With the help of this, you can record and play native application behaviour which is achieved
Conclusion –
Here are some of the most commonly asked questions in an Appium Interview. Securing this prestigious job opportunity hinges on your performance in the interview. It’s crucial to give it your all, leaving no room for errors. Use these questions to thoroughly prepare for your interview—they’ll serve as a valuable resource in your preparation journey. While there may be additional questions beyond these, mastering these can greatly enhance your chances of success. We trust you found everything you were seeking in this article, and we hope it proves helpful in your interview preparation. Thank you.