In today’s world, web applications and web pages are becoming increasingly prevalent. Almost every business has its own web presence, including web pages and web applications. But what makes people willing to use them? The key is the interface and intuitive operation and maintenance of these web pages and applications. This is where a Front End Developer comes in.
The field of Front End Development is attractive to aspiring job seekers and individuals from software backgrounds. However, securing a job in this field isn’t easy. With numerous candidates vying for positions, you’ll need to excel in the interview process.
To help you prepare, we’ve compiled a list of frequently asked Front End Developer interview questions. These questions will give you insight into the types of questions you may encounter and help you better prepare for your interview.
Check out the following list of Front End Developer interview questions to enhance your preparation.
Front End Developer Interview Questions For Freshers
Q1.What are the technical and additional skills that are needed to be a front-end developer?Ans-A good front-end developer needs to have a working knowledge about:–HTMLCSSJQueryJavaScriptApart from the above mentioned technical skills, a front-end developer should have the below mentioned “good-to-have” skills.–Experience in any of the Content Management Systems (CMS) like WordPress, Drupal, and Joomla.Knowledge of cross-browser testing.Knowledge about OOPS and PHP.Basic knowledge about SEO & tools like Dreamweaver and Flash which are utilized to present web-based information to end users.
Q2.Explain how you would ensure that your web design is user-friendly and what kinds of steps would you use?Ans-A front-end developer needs to talk about working alongside UX(User Experience) designers to imagine and conceptualize a web page that cultivates a user-centric experience, testing the website with users to ensure optimal design and assuring the web page is optimized for mobile phone viewing.
Q3.Describe Coffee Script?Ans-CoffeeScript is a little programming language that compiles into JavaScript. It is an attempt to exhibit the good parts of JavaScript in a simple way. It also assists to write JavaScript code better by presenting you with a more constant syntax and skirting the unusual nature of JavaScript language.
Q4.Explain what is clear?Ans-A clear is utilized when you don’t need an element to wrap around another element, such as a float.
Q5.Can you tell us when would you utilize CSS float?Ans-Float is utilized when you need to make an element of your web page be pushed to the right or left and make other elements cover around it.
Q6.What is the difference between XHTML and HTML?Ans-HTML and XHTML are both markup languages in which web pages are written. The main difference between the two is that HTML syntax is SGML based while XHTML syntax is XML based.
Q7.Explain how variables differ in CoffeeScript than JavaScript?Ans-In JavaScript, you have to add a semi-colon for variables at the end of it to execute. In CoffeeScript, there is no necessity to add Semi-colon at the end of the statement. Unlike, CoffeeScript, JavaScript adds up semi-colon with ease.
Q8.Can you tell us what are the benefits of Coffee Script over JavaScript?Ans-CoffeeScript has a lot of lightweight add-ons like Ruby string Interpolation and Python style list comprehension.It also enables you to express your program with a lot shorter code than JavaScriptIt makes even good JavaScript code more readable.It makes everyday tasks easier to perform with CoffeeScript rather than JavaScript.
Q9.Explain what are the difference between Get and Post?Ans-A GET request is generally used for things like AJAX calls to an API, whereas a POST request is typically utilized to store data in a database or submit data through a form.–GET requests are limited secure and can be viewed by the user in the URL, whereas POST requests are used in two steps and are not seen by the user. So, POST requests are more secure.
Q10.Can you tell us when would you utilize CSS clear?Ans-When I want an element on the left or right of the floating element not to wrap around it, I can utilize clear.
Q11.Describe what is the difference between Null and Undefined?Ans-Null is an object with no value.Undefined is a type.typeof null; // “object”typeof undefined; // “undefined”
Q12.Explain the importance of the HTML DOCTYPE?Ans-DOCTYPE is an instruction to the web browser regarding what version of the markup language the page is written. The DOCTYPE declaration need to be the pretty first thing in your HTML document, before the <html> tag. Doctype declaration points to a Document Type Definition (DTD). It provides markup language rules, so a browser can interpret the content correctly.
Q13.Explain the difference between cookies, session storage, and local storage?Ans-Cookies allow applications to store data in a client’s browser.Session storage property allows applications to store data until the window is closed.Local storage property lets applications to store data without an end.
Q14.Describe what is a Thread-Local object in Python Flask?Ans-A thread-local object is an object that is stored in a dedicated structure, attached to the current thread id. Flask utilizes thread local objects internally so that user don’t have to pass objects around from function to function within a request to stay threadsafe. Besides, Thread local storage performs your logger’s context global but only within the current thread. This approach is helpful, but it needs a valid request context for dependency injection or when attempting to reuse code which utilizes a value pegged to the request.
Q15.Explain the syntax and how to use a Function as A Class?Ans-function functionName(name) { = name;}// Creating an objectvar variable_name= new functionName(“Zuan”);console.log(; //Zuan
Front End Developer Interview Questions For Experienced
Q16.What is a callback function?Ans-A callback function is utilized to limit this from happening because it is not called until the previous line of code has thoroughly executed.
Q17.How do you structure your source code to make it easy for leverage by your colleagues?Ans-A front-end developer needs to discuss their use of code organization and commenting. They need to explain how they use notes in their programming process to explain the steps they have taken, ensuring an efficiency of understanding amongst collaborators.
Q18.Explain what is the difference between Class and Prototypal inheritance?Ans-Inheritance in JavaScript is different from most other programming languages. The object system in JavaScript is prototype based, not class based. Objects in JavaScript are just a collection of a name (key) and value pairs. When it comes to inheritance, JavaScript only has one construct: objects. Every object has a private property which contains a link to another object called its prototype.
Q19.Can you explain the difference between visibility:hidden; and display:none?Ans-Visibility:Hidden; – It is not visible but gets up it’s original space.Display:None; – It is hidden and takes no space.
Q20.Explain what is the difference between a host object and a native object?Ans-Host Objects – are objects supplied by a particular environment.–Native Objects – are standard built-in objects given by Javascript.
Q21.What Is A Clear?Ans-A clear is used when you don’t want an element to wrap around another element, such as a float.
Q22.What Is The Difference Between Html And Xhtml?Ans-HTML is HyperText Markup Language used to develop the website.XHTML is modern version of HTML 4. XHTML is an HTML that follows the XML rules which should be well-formed.
Q23.What Is A Javascript Object?Ans-A collection of data containing both properties and methods. Each element in a document is an object. Using the DOM you can get at each of these elements/objects and do some cool sh*t.
Q24.What Is The Difference Between Form Get And Form Post?Ans-Get:With GET the form data is encoded into a URL by the browser. The form data is visible in the URL allowing it to be bookmarked and stored in web history. The form data is restricted to ASCII codes. Because URL lengths are limited there can be limitations on how much form data can be sent.
Q25.Explain The Difference Between == And === ?Ans-The 3 equal signs mean “equality without type coercion”. Using the triple equals, the values must be equal in type as well.== is equal to=== is exactly equal to (value and type)0==false // true0===false // false, because they are of a different type1==”1″ // true, auto type coercion1===”1″ // false, because they are of a different type
Front End Developer Interview Questions
Q26.Do You Know What Is A Closure?Ans-Closures are expressions, usually functions, which can work with variables set within a certain context. Or, to try and make it easier, inner functions referring to local variables of its outer function create closures.
Q27.Do You Know What Is The Difference Between == And === ?Ans-== is equal to=== is exactly equal to (value and type)
Q28.Tell Me Are You Familiar With Jasmine Or Qunit?Ans-Jasmine and QUnit are JavaScript testing frameworks. I would familiarize yourself with the basics.
Q29.What Is The Difference Between A Host Object And A Native Object?Ans-Native – existing in JavaScript. Host – existing in the environment.
Q30.Explain The Difference Between Visibility:hidden; And Display:none?Ans-Visibility:Hidden; – It is not visible but takes up it’s original space.Display:None; – It is hidden and takes no space.
Q31.Tell Me The Difference Between Visibility:hidden; And Display:none;?Ans-Visibility:Hidden; – It is not visible but takes up it’s original space.Display:None; – It is hidden and takes up absolutely no space as if it was never there.
Q32.How To Increase Page Performance?Ans-Sprites, compressed images, smaller images;include JavaScript at the bottom of the page;minify or concatenate your CSS and JavaScript; andcaching.
Q33.Explain What Is The Importance Of The Html Doctype?Ans-The doctype declaration should be the very first thing in an HTML document, before the html tag.The doctype declaration is not an HTML tag; it is an instruction to the web browser about what version of the markup language the page is written in.The doctype declaration refers to a Document Type Definition (DTD). The DTD specifies the rules for the markup language, so that the browsers can render the content correctly.
Q34.What Are The Difference Between Get And Post?Ans-A GET request is typically used for things like AJAX calls to an API (insignificant changes), whereas a POST request is typically used to store data in a database or submit data via a form (significant changes). GET requests are less secure and can be seen by the user in the URL, whereas POST requests are processed in two steps and are not seen by the user. Therefore, POST requests are more secure.
Q35.Explain What Is The Difference Between A Prototype And A Class?Ans-Prototype-based inheritance allows you to create new objects with a single operator; class-based inheritance allows you to create new objects through instantiation. Prototypes are more concrete than classes, as they are examples of objects rather than descriptions of format and instantiation.Prototypes are important in JavaScript because JavaScript does not have classical inheritance based on classes; all inheritances happen through prototypes. If the JavaScript runtime can’t find an object’s property, it looks to the object’s prototype, and continues up the prototype chain until the property is found.
Q36.What Is The Difference Between Call And Apply?Ans-apply lets you invoke the function with arguments as an array. call requires the parameters to be listed explicitly. Also, check out this stackoverflow answer.
Q37.Do You Know What Is The Importance Of The Html Doctype?Ans-DOCTYPE is an instruction to the web browser about what version of the markup language the page is written. Its written before the HTML Tag. Doctype declaration refers to a Document Type Definition (DTD).
Q38.What Is The Difference Between Responsive And Adaptive Development?Ans-In a nutshell, responsive is fluid and flexible, whereas adaptive adapts to the detected device/screen size.
These are some of the best and most commonly asked Front End Developer interview questions. We’ve selected these questions with the assistance of experts and professionals who understand Front End Developer interviews and want to help candidates succeed.
While these questions may not cover everything you’ll encounter in the interview, being familiar with frequently asked Front End Developer interview questions will certainly boost your confidence.
We hope you found everything you’ve been searching for, and that our insights were helpful. Best of luck with your upcoming interview!