15 Good Ways To Be Softer In A Relationship

Emotion, empathy and understanding in any relationship creates a safe and nurturing environment for both parties. In dialogue this is called ‘soft’. Flexibility always means giving up the need for good or winning arguments and instead taking your partner’s feelings into account before making a decision. Being able to communicate well is not a sign…

15 Ways To Be Submissive In Long Distance Relationship

One thing that always ruins long distance relationships is everyone’s hidden insecurities. These questions can dominate thinking. This can manifest itself in many ways in a long distance relationship. In some cases, people can be overly jealous or irrationally possessive, and any unplanned social outing is seen as a threat to the relationship. When you’re…

13 Ways To End A Side Chick Relationship

‘Chick side’, ‘another girl’, ‘home wrecker’ – there are so many names you can use to describe the nightmare to come, but it’s not the only thing your man sees. According to a US-wide survey, 21% of men say they have cheated in a relationship at some point in their lives. Men who cheat are…

15 Best Ways To Lead A Relationship

Studies have shown that women who are more attractive and ultimately have more options seek an equal or better man. Men and women play huge roles in relationships. This includes everything from the traditional roles of men and women to counsellors, encouragers, financial planners, confessors, and deceivers. In a healthy relationship, both people take turns…

15 Ways To Put Your Foot Down In A Relationship

In the intricate dance of love and partnership, there often comes a time when you must find the strength to put your foot down in a relationship. Navigating the delicate balance between compromise and standing firm can be challenging, yet it’s a vital skill for maintaining a healthy and fulfilling connection. google.com, pub-1852571378713163, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0…

17+ Ways To Repent From Haram Relationship

Repentance is the first step to conversion. You can avoid irregular relationships and complete regret. And you can replace a bad job with a good job, seriously consider a healthy marriage. Many young people are able to get married and start a family while they are studying. These people are an inspiration to all of…