If you’re looking to test your knowledge about information technology, you’ve come to the right place! Our IT quiz questions cover a range of topics from basic computer skills to advanced IT concepts. Whether you’re a student preparing for exams or just curious about IT, these questions will challenge your understanding and help you learn something new. So, are you ready to put your IT knowledge to the test? Let’s dive in and see how much you really know!

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It Quiz
Which one is the first search engine in internet(a) Google(b) Archie(c) Altavista(d) WAISAnswer: (b) Archie
Number of bit used by the IPv6 address(a) 32 bit(b) 64 bit(c) 128 bit(d) 256 bitAnswer: (c) 128 bit
Which one is the first web browser invented in 1990(a) Internet Explorer(b) Mosaic(c) Mozilla(d) NexusAnswer: (d) Nexus
Which of the following programming language is used to create programs like applets?(a) COBOL(b) C Language(c) Java(d) BASICAnswer: (c) Java
First computer virus is known as(a) Rabbit(b) Creeper Virus(c) Elk Cloner(d) SCA VirusAnswer: (b) Creeper Virus
Which one programming language is exclusively used for artificial intelligence(a) C(b) Java(c) J2EE(d) PrologAnswer: (d) Prolog
Firewall in computer is used for(a) Security(b) Data Transmission(c) Authentication(d) MonitoringAnswer: (a) Security
A dual layer Blue-ray Disc can store data upto(a) 20GB(b) 35 GB(c) 12 GB(d) 50 GBAnswer: (d) 50 GB
Which of the following is not an operating system(a) DOS(b) Mac(c) C(d) LinuxAnswer: (c) C
Which of the following is not a database management software(a) MySQL(b) Oracle(c) Sybase(d) COBOLAnswer: (d) COBOL
Number of layers in the OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) Model(a) 9(b) 3(c) 7(d) 11Answer: (c) 7
1024 bit is equal to how many byte(a) 1 Byte(b) 128 Byte(c) 32 Byte(d) 64 ByteAnswer: (b) 128 Byte
Mac Operating System is developed by which company(a) IBM(b) Apple(c) Microsoft(d) SamsungAnswer: (b) Apple
Where is the headquter of Microsoft office located(a) Texas(b) NewYork(c) California(d) WashingtonAnswer: (d) Washington
.gif is an extension of(a) Image file(b) Video file(c) Audio file(d) Word fileAnswer: (a) Image file
Information technology Quiz
Which one is the first fully supported 64-bit operating system(a) Windows Vista(b) Mac(c) Linux(d) Windows XPAnswer: (c) Linux
Computer Hard Disk was first introduced in 1956 by(a) Dell(b) Apple(c) Microsoft(d) IBMAnswer: (d) IBM
Which of the following is not a web browser(a) MOSAIC(b) WWW(c) Facebook(d) Netscape navigatorAnswer: (c) Facebook
In computer world, Trojan refer to(a) Virus(b) Malware(c) Worm(d) SpywareAnswer: (b) Malware
Which one of the followings is a programming language(a) HTTP(b) HTML(c) HPML(d) FTPAnswer: (b) HTML
Which protocol is used to received e-mail(a) SMTP(b) POP3(c) HTTP(d) FTPAnswer: (b) POP3
Which protocol is used to send e-mail(a) HTTP(b) POP3(c) SMTP(d) SSHAnswer: (c) SMTP
Which computer program converts assembly language to machine language(a) Interpreter(b) Compiler(c) Assembler(d) ComparatorAnswer: (c) Assembler
In which year ‘@’ sign was first chosen for its use in e-mail address(a) 1976(b) 1980(c) 1977(d) 1972Answer: (d) 1972
Which one is the latest one from PARAM SuperSries computers(a) PARAM Yuva II(b) PARAM 10000(c) PARAM Padma(d) PARAMnetAnswer: (a) PARAM Yuva II
Who is also know as the father of Indian Supercomputing(a) Ragunath Mashelkar(b) Vijay Bhatkar(c) Jayant Narlikar(d) Nandan NilekaniAnswer: (b) Vijay Bhatkar
A folder in windows computer can’t be made with the name(a) can(b) con(c) mak(d) makeAnswer: (b) con
A computer use which type of number system to calculate and to store data(a) decimal(b) octal(c) binary(d) hexadecimalAnswer: (c) binary
What is the extension type of the excel 2007 files(a) .xls(b) .xlsx(c) .xsl(d) None of the aboveAnswer: (b) .xlsx
It Quiz 2022
The basic units of a excel spreedsheet where we enter data is called(a) Tab(b) Box(c) Cell(d) None of the aboveAnswer: (c) Cell
The maximum number of rows supported by Excel 2003 spreadsheet is(a) 10,000(b) 35,356(c) 55,782(d) 65,536Answer: (d) 65,536
The maximum number of rows supported by Excel 2007 spreadsheet is(a) 9,68,576(b) 12,15,857(c) 13,42,554(d) 10,48,576Answer: (d) 10,48,576
Which one is a ‘text editor’ for Microsoft Windows(a) MS Word(b) Ms Excel(c) WordPad(d) NotepadAnswer: (d) Notepad
Which one is the default ‘Word Processor’ for Microsoft Windows(a) MS Word(b) Ms Paint(c) WordPad(d) NotepadAnswer: (c) WordPad
What is the maximum size of a word document created(a) 1 MB(b) 32 MB(c) 16MB(d) 999KBAnswer: (b) 32 MB
What is the maximum number of Primary Partitions that can be created on a Hard-disk(a) 2(b) 3(c) 4(d) 1Answer: (c) 4
How many layers in the TCP/IP protocol layers(a) 7(b) 5(c) 4(d) 11Answer: (c) 4
What is the binary value of ‘A’(a) 01000100(b) 11000001(c) 01100001(d) 01000001Answer: (d) 01000001
Which key combination is used to minimize all open windows and displays in the screen(a) Alt+M(b) Shift+M(c) Windows Key+D(d) CTRL+DAnswer: (c) Windows Key+D
Technology Quiz Questions and Answers
Which function key needs to be press during reboot to enter in Safe Mode of a Windows machine(a) F8(b) F2(c) F1(d) F9Answer: (a) F8
‘Linux’ is an example of(a) Software(b) Application(c) Operating System(d) BrowserAnswer: (c) Operating System
Which key combination is used to permantly delete a file or folder(a) Shift+delete(b) Alt+delete(c) CTRL+delete(d) DeleteAnswer: (a) Shift+delete
Which is an Input device(a) Monitor(b) Printer(c) Mouse(d) None of the aboveAnswer: (c) Mouse
Which one is an example of connectionless protocols(a) TCP(b) IPX/SPX(c) Frame Relay(d) UDPAnswer: (d) UDP
A common boundary between two computer systems is known as(a) Intradiction(b) Surface(c) Interface(d) None of the aboveAnswer: (c) Interface
Which one of the following is not a computer language(a) BASIC(b) LOTUS(c) C++(d) JAVAAnswer: (b) LOTUS
Which one is used for making presentation file from Microsoft Office package(a) MS Outlook(b) MS Excel(c) MS Word(d) MS PowerpointAnswer: (d) MS PowerPoint
Network Interface Card (NIC) is generally used for(a) Connectivity(b) Programming(c) Printing(d) None of the aboveAnswer: (a) Connectivity
Total number of pins in a traditional parallel port is(a) 5(b) 14(c) 25(d) 27Answer: (c) 25
Which web browser is developed by the Google(a) IE(b) FireFox(c) Safri(d) ChromeAnswer: (d) Chrome
Which web browser is provided default with a Windows machine(a) Opera(b) IE(c) Chrome(d) MosaicAnswer: (b) IE
Which company first developed the Java programming language(a) Microsoft(b) Google(c) Sun Microsystems(d) IBMAnswer: (c) Sun Microsystems
Mark Zuckerberg is the owner of(a) Facebook(b) Google(c) Linux(d) LinkedlnAnswer: (a) Facebook
Computer Quiz
Who invented Java?Ans : James A Gosling
Longhorn was the code name of ?Ans : Windows Vista
Who is known as the Human Computer of India?Ans : Shakunthala Devi
What is mean by Liveware?Ans : People who work with the computer
Which computer engineer got Nobel Prize for literature in 2003?J.M. Coetzee
‘Weaving The Web’ was written by…..Ans : Tim Burners Lee
What is Beta Test?Ans : Trial test of a computer or software before the commercial launch
‘Do no evil’ is tag line of ……Ans : Google
First Indian cinema released through internet is …..Ans : Vivah
Rediff was founded by…..Ans : Ajith Balakrishnan and Manish Agarwal
What is the extension of PDF?Ans : Portable document format
Mows is a type of mouse for …….. peopleAns : Physically handicapped people
Computer Questions and Answers
Expand RDBMS?Ans : Relational Data Base Management System
Difference engine was developed by…..Ans : Charles Babbage
Orkut is now owned by ……Ans : Google
World’s first microprocessor is …..Ans : Intel 4004
What is SQL?Ans : Structured Query Language
What is the expansion of COBOL?Ans : Common Business Oriented Language
What is the expansion of SMS?Ans : Short Message Service
Which IT company’s nickname is ‘ The Big Blue ‘ ?Ans : IBM
What is the full form of IEEE?Ans : Institute of Electric and Electronic Engineers
Who developed COBOL?Ans : Grace Murry Hopper
Email was developed by……Ans : Raymond Samuel Tomlinson (Ray Tomlinson)
Green dam is ……Ans : Web Filter
What is the expanded form of CMOS ?Ans : Complementary Metal Oxide Semoconductor
Who is Netizen ?Ans : Net Citizen (Citizen who uses internet)
What is Scareware?Ans : Fake antivirus softwares
When was the first smart phone launched?Ans : 1992 (IBM Simon)