King of the Hill” is a beloved American animated sitcom that aired from 1997 to 2010. Created by Mike Judge and Greg Daniels, the show follows the life of Hank Hill, a propane salesman from the fictional town of Arlen, Texas. Along with his wife Peggy, son Bobby, and quirky neighbors, Hank navigates everyday life, often with a humorous and down-to-earth perspective.
Whether you’re a die-hard fan of the show or someone who just appreciates a good laugh, this **King of the Hill trivia** is perfect for testing your knowledge. Dive deep into the world of Hank, Peggy, Bobby, and the rest of the Arlen gang. We’ve prepared a **King of the Hill trivia quiz** packed with questions that range from easy to challenging. Let’s see how much you really know about the Hills and their adventures!
Also check – English Trivia Quiz Questions / Maths Trivia Questions
The Legacy of King of the Hill
Before we jump into the trivia, it’s worth reflecting on why “King of the Hill” remains such an iconic series. Its portrayal of middle-class America, paired with witty humor and memorable characters, makes it stand out. The show balanced comedy and social commentary, touching on themes like family values, patriotism, and personal integrity. Hank’s strict but well-meaning demeanor, Peggy’s blend of confidence and ignorance, and Bobby’s quirky personality created a dynamic that fans still adore.
Now, let’s put that fan knowledge to the test!
Easy King of the Hill Trivia Questions
Let’s start with some easy questions to warm you up. If you’re a casual viewer, these should be right up your alley!
1. **Question**: Who is the main character of *King of the Hill*?
– **Answer**: Hank Hill2. **Question**: What is Hank Hill’s profession?
– **Answer**: He is a propane salesman.3. **Question**: What is the name of Hank’s wife?
– **Answer**: Peggy Hill4. **Question**: Which character often says, “I tell you what”?
– **Answer**: Boomhauer5. **Question**: What is the name of Hank and Peggy’s son?
– **Answer**: Bobby Hill6. **Question**: Who is Hank’s best friend and neighbor, often seen drinking beer with him?
– **Answer**: Dale Gribble7. **Question**: In what town is King of the Hill set?
– **Answer**: Arlen, Texas8. **Question**: What is Peggy’s profession?
– **Answer**: Substitute teacher9. **Question**: What is the name of Hank’s narrow-urethra father?
– **Answer**: Cotton Hill10. **Question**: Who voices the character Hank Hill?
– **Answer**: Mike Judge
Medium King of the Hill Trivia Questions
Now that you’ve warmed up, let’s turn up the heat with some medium-difficulty trivia questions!
11. **Question**: What is the name of the Hill family’s dog?
– **Answer**: Ladybird12. **Question**: Which state is Peggy Hill originally from?
– **Answer**: Montana13. **Question**: What does Dale Gribble do for a living?
– **Answer**: Exterminator14. **Question**: Who is Bobby Hill’s best friend?
– **Answer**: Joseph Gribble15. **Question**: Who was Hank’s boss at Strickland Propane?
– **Answer**: Buck Strickland16. **Question**: What’s the name of Peggy’s niece, who lives with the Hill family?
– **Answer**: Luanne Platter17. **Question**: Who voices Peggy Hill?
– **Answer**: Kathy Najimy18. **Question**: What’s the catchphrase of Cotton Hill, Hank’s father?
– **Answer**: “I killed fitty men!”19. **Question**: What is Dale Gribble’s conspiracy-theorist pseudonym?
– **Answer**: Rusty Shackleford20. **Question**: What is the name of the Mega Lo Mart employee who becomes Hank’s friend?
– **Answer**: Buckley
Hard King of the Hill Trivia Questions
Think you’re a King of the Hill expert? These hard trivia questions will challenge even the most die-hard fans!
21. **Question**: What is the name of Bill Dauterive’s ex-wife?
– **Answer**: Lenore22. **Question**: What is Boomhauer’s first name?
– **Answer**: Jeff23. **Question**: What kind of car does Hank Hill drive?
– **Answer**: Ford Ranger24. **Question**: What is Peggy’s full name?
– **Answer**: Margaret J. Platter Hill25. **Question**: In the episode “A Firefighting We Will Go,” what do the guys accidentally burn down?
– **Answer**: The fire station26. **Question**: What sport does Bobby Hill take up, much to Hank’s dismay?
– **Answer**: Soccer27. **Question**: Who is the Laotian neighbor that moves next to the Hill family?
– **Answer**: Kahn Souphanousinphone28. **Question**: In the episode “Death of a Propane Salesman,” what explosion does Hank survive?
– **Answer**: Mega Lo Mart explosion29. **Question**: What does Luanne study at college?
– **Answer**: Cosmetology30. **Question**: Who becomes Luanne’s eventual husband?
– **Answer**: Lucky Kleinschmidt
King of the Hill Trivia Quiz: Mix of Easy and Hard
Ready for a mix of questions? Here’s a quick King of the Hill trivia quiz that will test all levels of fans.
31. **Question**: What is Bobby Hill’s signature phrase?
– **Answer**: “That’s my purse! I don’t know you!”32. **Question**: Who is Dale Gribble’s wife?
– **Answer**: Nancy Gribble33. **Question**: Who had an affair with John Redcorn?
– **Answer**: Nancy Gribble34. **Question**: What instrument does Bobby Hill play in school?
– **Answer**: The cello35. **Question**: Who is Kahn’s daughter, and Bobby Hill’s occasional love interest?
– **Answer**: Connie Souphanousinphone36. **Question**: What is Bill’s full name?
– **Answer**: William Fontaine de La Tour Dauterive37. **Question**: What is Peggy Hill’s notorious achievement in Boggle?
– **Answer**: Winning a state Boggle championship38. **Question**: In the series finale, what brings Hank and Bobby closer together?
– **Answer**: Their shared love of grilling steak39. **Question**: Who constantly teases Peggy for her large feet?
– **Answer**: Luanne Platter40. **Question**: What’s the name of Hank’s favorite dog food?
– **Answer**: Alamo Dog Food
## Fun Facts About King of the Hill
Now that you’ve gone through the trivia questions, let’s dive into some lesser-known facts about the show that might surprise even long-time fans.
### 1. **The Real Inspiration Behind Arlen**
While Arlen, Texas, is a fictional town, it’s inspired by real-life suburbs of Dallas. Mike Judge, the show’s creator, lived in the Dallas area, and his observations about Texan culture heavily influenced the show.### 2. **Boomhauer’s Iconic Voice**
Boomhauer’s fast-talking, mumbling voice was based on a real-life complaint. Someone had called into Mike Judge’s office to complain about his previous show, “Beavis and Butt-Head,” in an indecipherable, rambling voice. Judge found it hilarious and decided to make it Boomhauer’s signature style.### 3. **King of the Hill Almost Had a Different Title**
Before settling on “King of the Hill,” the creators toyed with names like “The Hank Hill Show” and “Square Pegs.”### 4. **Dale’s Paranoia is Justified**
Dale Gribble is a notorious conspiracy theorist, but one of his greatest fears is ironically true. He’s afraid of being betrayed by those closest to him, yet he doesn’t realize his wife Nancy is having an affair with John Redcorn, resulting in his son Joseph not being biologically his.### 5. **Hank Hill’s Famous ‘Propane’ Quote**
One of Hank Hill’s most famous quotes is: “I tell you what, I’m gonna go outside, stand out there like a man, and see what kind of man you are.” His pride in his work selling propane and propane accessories is also a recurring theme throughout the series.
## Why Fans Still Love King of the Hill
Even years after the last episode aired, “King of the Hill” remains a fan favorite. Its grounded storytelling, unique humor, and memorable characters make it a timeless classic. The show strikes a delicate balance between poking fun at suburban life and offering heartfelt, genuine moments. Hank’s love of propane, Peggy’s confidence, Bobby’s curiosity, and Dale’s conspiracies are just a few of the things that make the show so endearing.
From the hilarious misunderstandings to the profound life lessons, “King of the Hill” is
one of those shows that you can watch over and over again without ever getting tired of it.
## Conclusion
Whether you aced every question in this King of the Hill trivia or discovered a few things you didn’t know, one thing is clear: King of the Hill holds a special place in the hearts of many. Its relatable characters, sharp humor, and subtle commentary on American life ensure its legacy will live on for years to come.