Defined as questions that are specifically directed, pointed questions aim to address a particular issue or topic directly. They are designed to be clear and unambiguous, making it challenging for the respondent to evade or provide vague answers. Instead, pointed questions cut to the core of the matter, eliciting specific and informative responses.
Explore our curated collection of pointed questions below.
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Pointed Questions
What do you want?
What will that give you?
What is important about that?
What is holding you back?
What if you do nothing?
What is this costing you?
How much control do you have in this situation?
What do you need to say “no” to?
How can you make this easy?
What options do you have?
What will you do? By when?
What support do you need to assure success?
How will you know you have been successful?
What are you learning from this?
Pointed Questions
How important is this?
Where do you feel stuck?
What is the intent of what you’re saying?
What can we do for you?
What do you think the problem is?
What’s your role in this issue?
What have you tried so far? What worked? What didn’t?
Have you experienced anything like this before? (If so, what did you do?)
What can you do for yourself?
What do you hope for?
What’s preventing you from …”
What would you be willing to give up for that?
If you could change one thing, what would it be?
Imagine a point in the future where your issue is resolved. How did you get there?
What would you like us to ask?
What have you learned?
Pointed Questions Synonyms
give the third degree
go over with a fine-tooth comb
put on the hotseat
put the screws to
We trust that you’ve found our selection of pointed questions useful. Feel free to leave a comment if you need further information or have any questions about pointed questions. We’re here to help!