Here are some science questions from Questionsgems. They’re a great way to prepare for exams and learn new things. Get ready, have fun, and let’s explore some science together!

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General Science Questions And Answers
Q. Which gas is most popular as laughing gas?Ans . Nitrous oxide
Q. Electromagnetic Field concept was observed and discovered by whom?Ans . James Hargreaves
Q. The BrahMos Missile was developed by which country?Ans . Developed with Joint venture of India and Russia
Q. The ‘Concept of Inertia’ was developed by?Ans . Galileo
Q. For the cultivation, name the crop required of water-logging?Ans . Rice
Q. Who achieved the discovery of ‘Vitamin C’?Ans . Albert Szent
Q. What is the purest form of Iron?Ans . Wrought Iron
Q. What is the name of NASA Mars Rover and when its landed on MARS?Ans . Curiosity (Launched on November 26, 2011, Landed on MARS – 6th August 2012)
Q. What is the speed of Earth around sun?Ans . 30 km/sec
Q. In our solar system the MARS is fourth planet according to sequences but how many moons has ‘Planet MARS’?Ans . 2
Q. To measure the Humidity in air, what instrument used?Ans . Hygrograph
Q. Splitting of light into its constituent colors is known as what?Ans . Dispersion
Q. Basically the heavy water is used by which type of industries?Ans . Nuclear Power Generation plants
Q. ‘Mechanical Clock’ made by whom?Ans . Isaac Newton
Q. By which Cotton fibers are made?Ans . Cellulose
Science Quiz
Q. A historical victory achieved by a Spacecraft which got Mars on its First try?Ans . Mangalyaan (Developed by ISRO, launched on 5 November 2013, Reached – 24 September 2014)
Q. What is the best source of Protein?Ans . Soybean
Q. ‘Energy of the Sun’ concept discovered by which scientist?Ans . Hans Selye
Q. Rate of growth of plant is measured by which instrument?Ans . Auxanometer
Q. One Horsepower (1 HP) is equivalent to approximately?Ans . 746 Watts
Q. Which was the first satellite of India, go into the orbit?Ans . Aryabhata
Q. In human body ‘Vitamin K’ is necessary for what?Ans . Formation of Prothrombin
Q. Who discovered the ‘Modern Anthropology’?Ans . Frederick Sanger
Q. ‘White Revolution’ is related to what?Ans . Milk Production
Q. A very successful invention ‘Liquid Oxygen’ discovered by whom?Ans . Dewar
Q. What is the radiant energy of the sun is transmitted?Ans . Short waves