Snowflake Test Questions by Questionsgems., pub-1852571378713163, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
Curious about the Snowflake Test?
The test, aptly named for the uniqueness of snowflakes, assesses whether candidates might be too sensitive for certain workplaces. Designed to filter out those who may not be a good fit, it’s garnered widespread attention. If you’re gearing up for the Snowflake Test, we’ve got you covered with a comprehensive collection of questions below. Best of luck!
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Snowflake Test Questions
What are your thoughts on the current college environment as it pertains to a future workforce?
What’s your typical breakfast?
What’s your favorite drink when you go to a coffeehouse?
How do you handle bullies?
How do you handle it when your ideas are shot down?
What do you do if a coworker comes to the table with an idea and it sucks?
What does the first amendment mean to you?
What does faith mean to you?
Who is your role model and why?
“You’re in Starbucks with two friends.Someone runs in and says someone is coming in with a gun in 15 seconds to shoot patrons. They offer you a gun. Do you take it? What do you do next?”
What does America mean to you?
You see someone stepping on an American flag. What do you do?
What does “privilege” mean to you?
What’s more important? Book smarts or street smarts? Why?
Outside of standard benefits, what benefits should a company offer employees?
What should the national minimum wage be?
How many sick days should be given to employees?
How often should employees get raises?
How do you feel about guns?
What are your feelings about employees or clients carrying guns?
What are your feelings about safe spaces in challenging work environments?
In a creative environment like The Silent Partner Marketing, what do you envision work attire looking like?
Should “trigger warnings” be issued before we release content for clients or the company that might be considered “controversial”?
How do you feel about police?
If you owned the company and were to find out that a client is operating unethically but was a high paying client…how would you handle it?
When was the last time you cried and why?– Snowflake test questions
You arrive at an event for work and there’s a major celebrity you’ve always wanted to meet. What happens next?– Snowflake test questions
What’s your favorite kind of adult beverage?– Snowflake test questions and answers
What’s the best way to communicate with clients?– Snowflake test questions and answers
What’s your favorite thing to do in your free time?– Snowflake test questions and answers
Snowflake Test Questions With Answers
Outside of standard benefits, what benefits should a company offer employees?Nothing.
What should the national minimum wage be?Let the market dictate.
How many sick days should be given to employees?10 days.
How often should employees get raises?Based on merit.
How do you feel about guns?Love em.
What are your feelings about employees or clients carrying guns?Sounds good to me.
What are your feelings about safe spaces in challenging work environments?I have no idea what you mean by ‘safe spaces’ or ‘challenging work environments.
In a creative environment like The Silent Partner Marketing, what do you envision work attire looking like?Casual business for internal meetings, business attire for customer facing.
Should “trigger warnings” be issued before we release content for clients or the company that might be considered “controversial”?What the hell is a “trigger warning”?
How do you feel about police?I like police.
If you owned the company and were to find out that a client is operating unethically but was a high paying client…how would you handle it?Kiss em goodbye.
When was the last time you cried and why?No comment.
You arrive at an event for work and there’s a major celebrity you’ve always wanted to meet. What happens next?Wait for her to come to me.
What’s your favorite kind of adult beverage?Bourbon.
What’s the best way to communicate with clients?Face to face.
What’s your favorite thing to do in your free time?Wine tasting, write, read, outdoors.
What are your thoughts on the current college environment as it pertains to a future workforce?OMG, the current college environment is filling generations with nonsense.
What’s your typical breakfast?Eggs, bacon, coffee. Why?
What’s your favorite drink when you go to a coffeehouse?Black.
How do you handle bullies?Slug em in the head, metaphorically.
How do you handle it when your ideas are shot down?Rethink my presentation/approach.
What do you do if a coworker comes to the table with an idea and it sucks?Tell the coworker the idea sucks.
What does the first amendment mean to you?I can say pretty much anything I like without the guarantee to be heard.
What does faith mean to you?Believing without proof.
Who is your role model and why?I have no role models.
“You’re in Starbucks with two friends. Someone runs in and says someone is coming in with a gun in 15 seconds to shoot patrons. They offer you a gun. Do you take it? What do you do next?”I take the gun, get folks out the back-door, assume the stance between the shooter and them, and shoot the bad guy in the forehead. Twice. Then render aid, if he’s still alive.
What does America mean to you?Everything good.
You see someone stepping on an American flag. What do you do?Shake my head in disgust.
What does “privilege” mean to you?My parents looked out for me before they knew who I was going to be.
What’s more important? Book smarts or street smarts? Why?Street. Why? See the above Starbucks question.