While it may seem challenging to find the right words when someone passes away, acknowledging the loss and expressing condolences are crucial steps in the grieving process. Here are some thoughtful phrases you can consider offering to support those who are mourning:
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Things to say when someone dies
“I am at a loss for words. I know there is nothing for me to say that will make your loss easier but know that I am sending you my love and support. I hope you can understand what I can’t put into words.”
“Love knows no boundaries. While ________ is no longer physically with us, his/her spirit is always around us. My deepest condolences.”
“Please know that you’re in my thoughts and prayers. My sincerest condolences for an incredibly great loss. I’ll never forget _________.”
“I was so saddened to hear about _________ passing. I hope and pray that you will have strength during this time of loss.”
“My deepest condolences to you during this time. Know that you are not alone and that if you ever need to talk, please don’t hesitate to reach out.”
“You have my deepest, sincerest sympathy.”
“I am praying for you during your time of loss. Know that we are all thinking of you.”
“We want to let you know that we are here for you if you need anything. Expect us to call you soon—you are welcome to come over whenever you want.”
“I know that _________ was well loved and respected. He had great character and a big heart.”
“Our sympathy is with you in your time of grieving.”
“I have never been good at writing in cards, but I don’t want that to keep me from letting you know the deep sympathy I feel for you at this time.”
“Those who love us never go away. I hope you know that even during this dark time, __________ will always be with you in spirit.”
“My deepest condolences to you and your family during this dark time. Please know that our family is keeping you and yours in our prayers and thoughts.”
“May all the sweet memories of ___________ bring you solace during this time. I hope that all the great moments that you were able to have with him/her before she/he passed away brings you comfort.”
“My heartfelt condolences to you during this time of sorrow. You’re in my thoughts and prayers and I’m here for whatever you need.”
“The loss of someone dear to us is never easy. I hope all the cherished memories that you have of ________ brings you some light during this dark time. My deepest condolences.”
“I hope the love and support from your loved ones bring you peace during this difficult time. My heartfelt sympathies to you.”
“There is no hurting, no suffering, and no pain in Heaven. While we grieve his/her physical loss, please be comforted by the fact that he/she is in a far better place now.”
“Extending my most heartfelt sympathy to you and your family.”
“I can’t imagine how you’re feeling right now and I won’t pretend to know the loss that you’re experiencing. Please know that you’re not alone and I’m just a phone call away. If you ever need any support or someone to talk to, please don’t hesitate to reach out.”
“These things are never easy to write, and with a heavy heart I extend my deepest condolences to you during this dark time. I’m here if you need anything.”
“I hope that the love and support from your family and friends, including me, gets you through this time. You’re in my prayers.”
“I wish you nothing but comfort and strength. Rest in peace, _________.”
“I’ve never really written a sympathy card before so forgive me if this doesn’t come out sounding right. I am so sorry to hear about this loss and am deeply saddened. If you need anything, know that you’re not alone. I’m here for you.”
“While there’s nothing I can do to change what happened, I can continue to offer you my love and support. Extending my most heartfelt condolences to you and your family.”
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Things to say when someone dies in a card
If you wanna express your grieve for someone you have lost then here are a few things that you can write down in a card.
“My heart goes out to you as you grieve the loss of a very lovable member of your family.”
“My condolences for a loss of a very important member of your family.”
“May you be comforted by the peace of knowing that you provided a loving home to your awesome pet for so many years.”
“Some pets are really good pets, but then there are those who are flat out amazing. I am sorry you lost such an amazing pet. We will all miss him/her a lot.”
“This is devastating to me and we’re all experiencing this great loss. If ever you need to talk, know that I’m always available.”
“__________ was a kindhearted, generous person. As a recipient of his kindness and generosity, I will miss him greatly.”
“__________ was one of my favorite people. I’ll never forget the time we __________. I hope this story brightens your day and helps you realize the number of lives __________ has touched. She’ll never be forgotten.”
“I am deeply saddened by the loss we both share. I am assured that we will be comforted by our memories and our love which is very much alive. He’ll never really die this way.”
“I will never forget the fond memories of __________. He was one of the funniest people to be around. He was able to effortlessly make everyone else have a good time.”
“__________ always put a smile on my face and will continue to do so whenever I think about him/her. Many sympathies for your loss.”
“‘(Quote from deceased),’ he/she would always say. This always struck me as memorable and I’ll never forget the lasting impression that ________ made on me. I know that you feel the same. Know that during this dark time, you’re not alone and we all grieve with you. My deepest condolences.”
“When I felt my loneliest, __________ was there. Now, I’ll always know that he/she is there with me, whether on this Earth or in spirit. He/she felt the same way about you and while we’re experiencing a physical loss, I hope you know that no one we love really ever leaves us, as cliched as that may sound, it’s true. I hope this brings you comfort.”
“The loss of a person as wonderful as __________ isn’t going to be easy. But much like _________’s character, I hope you know you’re full of strength and that I’m here to support you if you ever need it. Call me if you need anything.”
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Comforting words to say when someone dies
There is nothing worse than losing someone who was a big part of your life. And comforting the one’s who has lost their loved one is also hard. Here we have picked up a few comforting things to say when someone dies.
“Try to stay positive. Everything works together for a reason.” This may come off as a bit condescending to the receiver. If not that, it’s unhelpful to hear in the mourning process.
“At least you’re still alive, you have to be grateful for that.” The focus should never be on the receiver directly but rather their relationship to the deceased and their mourning process.
“I guess it was just his time to go.” Again, this is unhelpful, unnecessary, and insensitive to say this, regardless of its truth (which can’t be verified, anyway).
“You should get over this in a couple of weeks. He will be a faded memory and you will move on with your life.” While these things may or may not happen, it’s again very insensitive to dictate whether someone will “get over” something, especially something as serious and tragic as a death in an arbitrary amount of time.
“I hated the jerk anyway. I’m glad he’s dead.” Self-explanatory.
“One day you will be talking about Jessica and a smile will come to your face first before a tear”
The best thing was from a chaplain who gave me permission to be mad as hell and instead of asking ‘why me?’ Asking ‘why not me?’
My mom made me socks and a hat for my baby gone-too-soon in pregnancy. She said, “every baby deserves to be celebrated, no matter how long they are with us.”
“A part of your loved one lives in you and all those he loved”
“Be as kind to yourself as you are to everyone else”
I received a card from a former college classmate of my husband. In the card she wrote about how proud my husband had been of me and how happy I had made him. She wrote that every time their paths crossed over the years that he always spoke so highly of me. She was in awe of how proud he was to have me as his wife.
“You will never get ‘over it’, but you will get through it”
“I can see by these pictures how much you loved each other. She must have known every day she was loved”.
“There is no right or wrong way to grieve. Your life has been changed forever”.
“You’re allowed to feel and be exactly as you are because this is your experience and no one else’s”.
“I wouldn’t be alive today if your dad hadn’t helped me get sober by giving me a reason to be sober”.
The best thing is when someone says, “I remember…” and then goes on to share a memory of the person you’ve lost.
“I cannot possibly understand how you feel. But I’m here”.
When I told a friend my heart is broken she said “I will lend you mine til yours has mended”
“It’s okay not to be okay”
“Look for signs. He will show you he is with you” [from another grieving mom]
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Here are some of the most comforting phrases to offer when someone passes away. We hope you find our collection helpful during this difficult time. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to leave a comment below or reach out to us directly. Your feedback is always appreciated.