No doubt, engineering has become an increasingly popular field, with more people choosing it as their major and career path. The demand for engineers in developing economies and the advancement of technology globally make it a logical choice. However, the abundance of engineering graduates means job competition is fierce. Engineering interviews often involve competing against numerous candidates, making it crucial to stand out.
The interview stage is particularly significant, and success requires thorough preparation. Brushing up on your knowledge and understanding of key topics is essential. Yet, it’s equally important to anticipate and prepare for commonly asked questions. Certain questions tend to come up frequently in engineering interviews, giving prepared candidates an advantage.
It’s essential to identify and familiarize yourself with these commonly asked engineering interview questions. Fortunately, you’re in the right place! In this article, we’ve compiled some of the top engineering interview questions to help you prepare effectively.
So, let’s dive in and explore these engineering interview questions to ensure you’re ready for your upcoming interview.
Engineering Interview Questions To Ask
Q1.Tell me about a time when a project or assignment didn’t go as planned. How would you approach the situation differently in the future?
Q2.What do you enjoy most and least about engineering?
Q3.Where do you see yourself five years from now?
Q4.What new engineering skills have you recently developed?
Q5.Why are you interested in a position with our company?
Q6.Tell me about a time when you became aware of a hazardous workplace condition. How did you handle it?
Q7.Can you describe a situation where you dealt with a difficult client?
Q8.How do you keep yourself organized?
Q9.Why should we select you for this position?
Q10.What is your greatest weakness?
Engineering interview questions
Q11.When did you start your job search? Have you been offered any positions?Ans-Be relaxed and explain that you are looking for a company and role with the right fit, and that you are quite choosy when it comes to finding the ‘right job’. You may then need to answer what you believe the ‘right job’ entails.
Q12.What do you enjoy most/least about engineering?Ans-You should tailor this to the responsibilities of the role you are interviewing for and try to keep your answer centred on the positives.
Q13.Where do you see yourself ten years from now?Ans-You should research a career path that would flow from the position for which you are interviewing and ensure that you emphasise the intention to master the demands of that position first.
Q14.What would you consider to be your greatest success in using your skills to solve an engineering problem?Ans-Draw upon a specific example – one that showcases your strengths as an engineer, such as the ability to think on your feet.
Q15.What new engineering specialty skills have you developed during the past year?Ans-Detail any particular skills that you developed whilst at university and describe how you obtained them. Finish up talking about your willingness to learn.
Q16.What do you get out of engineering that you couldn’t get from any other kind of work?Ans-You could talk about one engineering achievement that you are especially proud of, or you could explain how day-to-day aspects of the work stimulate you. If it is the latter, you should again tailor this to the role for which you are interviewing.
Q17.On your last project assignment, what problems did you identify that had been previously overlooked?Ans-This is an ideal opportunity to depict several key qualities such as attention to detail, effective communication and creative thinking. You should come to the interview prepared with an example.
Q18.What was the workload like in your previous engineering department?Ans-It is imperative that you do not complain about the workload in your previous job, even if it was taxing. Illustrate your efficiency; explain how you manage your time and prioritise tasks.
Q19.What personal characteristics do you feel are necessary to be a successful engineer?Ans-Choose three or four characteristics and expand on why you think they’re important. You could also describe how a previous manager of yours displayed these qualities to good effect and how you learned from that example.
Q20.Describe an experience with a difficult client. How did you handle the situation?Ans-Your answer should include: the way you listened to what the client had to say, confirmed an understanding of their concerns and subsequently took responsibility to resolve the situation by offering a solution, without going into too much detail about the specific complaint.
Mechanical engineering interview questions and answers
Q21.How Can You Convert Air Mass To Air Volume?Ans-Mass = density * volume.Air density is p/RT, where R is the gas constant for air (287 J/kg-K), T is the absolute temperature, and p is the pressure, equal to 101325 Pa at sea level.At sea level and room temperature, the density of air is rho 101325 N/m2/ (287 N-m/ (kg-K)*293 K or about a) 2 kg/mc)
Q22.What Are Different Types Of Gate Valves?Ans-There are a few different designs:Parallel disk gate valves use two disks with a spring in between them, sliding into the seats. At low pressure, the spring forces the disks outward against the seats, sealing off the valve. At high pressure, all the sealing is accomplished by the downstream disk.Wedge gate valves use a tapered disk that slides into two seats set at a slight, converging angle. The wedging action provides the sealing force between the disk and the seat.Single disk gate valves are used where the flow is always one-way (like sluices on dams). There is some flexibility in the attachment of the disk to the stem, so the differential pressure on the disk pushes it against the seat, sealing it off.
Q23.What Is The Density Of Plastic?Ans-Plastics are the general term for a wide range of synthetic or semisynthetic polymerization products. There are many different plastics; all have their own density!Most common plastics, however, have a density between .035 and .045 lb/cu in.
Q24.What Is An Ortographic Drawing?Ans-Orthographic projections are views of a 3D object, showing 3 faces of it. The 3 drawings are aligned so that if the page were folded, it would create part of the shape. It is also called multiview projections.The 3 faces of an object consist of its plan view, front view and side view. There are 2 types of orthographic projection, which are 1st angle projection and 3rd angle projection.
Q25.How Do Concrete Pumps Work?Ans-liquid (fluid) concrete has a big viscosity, how the pump overcomes this big viscosity. every couple seconds maybe 4-5 seconds the machine emits a loud thump. sound come from pnomatic part of the machine.
Q26.What Is Representative Elementary Volume?Ans-Smallest volume over which measurements can be made that will yield a representative of the whole.
Q27.What Does A Rolling Offset Look Like?Ans-Rolling offsets are used in the piping and sheet metal (ductwork) trades, a rolling offset changes the elevation and locaton of the piping or duct usually by using two fittings to offset around obstacles. Rolling offsets are used mostly when you are limited to the size of the fittings in order to change your elevation and location.
Q28.What Kind Of Paper Airplane Flies The Farthest?Ans-Thickest paper has the greatest mass and therefore potential energy. Potential energy equals kinetic energy (speed). Speed equals lift. Lift equals a greater flight distance. Thicker planes fly farther.
Q29.How Does An Equal-arm Balance Work?Ans-Two pans of equal balances are placed at the end of the beam, one at each end. A long pointer attached at right angles to the beam at the point of support. Zero on a scale indicates the beam is at rest.
Q30.Can You Use Motor Oil In A Hydraulic System?Ans-Hydraulic fluid has to pass a different set of standards than motor oil. Motor oil has tackifiers, lower sulfur content, and other ingredients that could prove harmful to the seals and other components in a hydraulic system. If it is an emergency only should you do it.
Q31.What Does Angular Momentum Mean?Ans-Angular momentum is an expression of an objects mass and rotational speed.Momentum is the velocity of an object times it is mass, or how fast something is moving how much it weigh. Therefore, angular momentum is the objects mass times the angular velocity where angular velocity is how fast something is rotating expressed in terms like revolutions per minute or radians per second or degrees per second.
Q32.What Is The Role Of Nitrogen In Welding?Ans-Nitrogen is used to prevent porosity in the welding member by preventing oxygen and air from entering the molten metal during the welding process. Other gases are also used for this purpose such as Argon, Helium, Carbon Dioxide, and the gases given off when the flux burns away during SMAW (stick) welding.
Q33.What Causes White Smoke In Two Stroke Locomotive Engines?Ans-That is the engine running too lean (lack of fuel). This condition will lead to overheating and failure of the engine.
These are some of the best and most commonly asked engineering interview questions that you should be familiar with. We’ve selected these questions with the guidance of experts and professionals who have experience with engineering interviews and want to assist candidates like you in preparing effectively.
It’s important to note that these questions may not cover everything you’ll be asked in the interview. However, knowing the answers to these commonly asked engineering interview questions can boost your confidence.
That’s all for now. We hope you’ve found the information you were seeking. We aim to be helpful, and we wish you the best of luck with your upcoming interview!