The signs that you have been born again are reflected in the numerous choices you make, the way you express yourself, and the decisions you make in your life.
When your natural instinctive reaction to problems is to please God, especially when confronted with uncertainty in difficult circumstances, this signals a profound spiritual shift in you.
As a result, one of the signs that you have been born again is when you decide to please God with your lifestyle regardless of the cost.
Your commitment to live for God is always the most important thing; you constantly prioritize God over everything else, even during the most trying situations.
As a result, these expressions reflect how you choose to live your life, how you express yourself, the words you use to express yourself, and signals of spiritual birth.
There must be a change in your behaviors before and after you are born again; it is primarily about how you live your life.
Furthermore, while the yardstick for judging a completely transformed soul is not physical appearance, being born again affects every aspect of your life, including your physical look.
Your social circle, how you dress, and even your posture. The shift affects all aspect of your life, and the newness within you will be obvious.
An inward renewal
Answer this question in conjunction with another:
● Has divine grace produced any changes within you?
● Are those you love the complete opposite of what they were?
● Do you now reject the shallow things you once adored, and do you long for the valuable pearl you once despised?
● Is your heart fully refreshed in its object?
● Can you state that the nature of your desire has changed?
● That your face is turned toward Zion, and your feet are fixed on the road of grace.
● That where your heart formerly craved deep draughts of wickedness, it now desires to be holy?
Whereas you once liked the joys of the world, they are now draff and trash to you, because you only love the pleasures of heaven and wish to enjoy more of them on earth so that you can enjoy the fullness of them in the afterlife.
The concept of being “born again” is extremely important in many religious and spiritual traditions. It represents a profound spiritual rebirth, which results in a revived sense of purpose, a strong connection to a higher force, and a transformed way of life.
In this section, we’ll look at the 10 biblical indicators of being born again.
- 1 Signs You’re Born Again
- 1.1 When You Become Conscious Of Sin
- 1.2 Repentance
- 1.3 Changed heart
- 1.4 You Recognize Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior
- 1.5 New desires
- 1.6 Relationship towards God
- 1.7 You Totally Submit To The Word Of God
- 1.8 When You Are Always Kind And Compassionate To Others
- 1.9 Changed behavior
- 1.10 You’re Quick to Forgive
- 1.11 Inner Peace
- 1.12 You Exercise Patience In Your Relationships With Others
- 1.13 You Hate Sin
- 1.14 Joy and gratitude
- 1.15 Hunger for Spiritual Truth:
- 1.16 Share Your Faith:
- 1.17 Are you renewed within?
- 1.18 A Fresh Foundation and Idea for Your Life
- 1.19 Conclusion
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Signs You’re Born Again
When You Become Conscious Of Sin
One of the evidence that you have been born again is that you are aware of your sin. To be cognizant of sin implies to be aware of what constitutes sin. It implies to recognize when you are straying from the righteous path and sliding into sin.
Unregenerated people willingly allow themselves to be led into sin, as if they were being controlled, like a goat taken to be killed.Before you were born again, you were led and controlled by sin. You were unable to distinguish between what was and was not sinful since living a sinful life was the norm for you.
However, when you are born again and regenerate, you receive a new nature that allows you to differentiate between what is evil and what is not. By default, you become aware of sin, and because you are aware of sin, you now possess courage and the ability to say no to it.
Being born again entails true repentance, acknowledging and confessing our sins to God, seeking forgiveness, and turning away from a life of sin. It is a watershed moment marked by a strong desire for personal transformation.
Changed heart
A born-again person undergoes a dramatic shift in their heart and mind. Their old, hardened heart is replaced by a new heart full of love, compassion, and a desire to live according to God’s instructions. This is one of the indicators you’ve been born again.
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You Recognize Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior
Many people today regard Jesus Christ as a wonderful teacher with a high moral standard, and others as a good prophet of God who cured the sick and performed signs and wonders.
To some, he is a historical figure, someone who existed a few years ago and staged a revolution against the Roman government, only to be slain along with his followers.
However, only those who have been regenerated by the Spirit, or those who have been born again, can acknowledge Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour.And being controlled by the Holy Spirit entails having the Holy Spirit indwelling you, which also implies that you have been regenerated. You are born again. As a result, accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior is one of the signs that you have been born again.
New desires
A born-again person undergoes a transformation in desires. Their values are consistent with God’s will, and they acquire a desire for spiritual growth, striving to live in accordance with God’s teachings and mandates.
Relationship towards God
Being born again results in a close and personal connection with God. This rebirth allows believers to form an intimate connection with the divine, directed and nourished by God’s love, grace, and presence.
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You Totally Submit To The Word Of God
To completely surrender to God’s word involves comprehending and obeying every command contained within it. It means submitting yourself and everything in your life to God’s command.
However, no one can completely submit to God’s message on their own; no human being possesses such strength, and this is due to our sinful nature. As a sinner, you are hellbent on satisfying your lust rather than pleasing God.
As a result, the power of the Holy Spirit is required to regenerate your heart and cause you to be born again; only then can you fully surrender to God’s word.
When You Are Always Kind And Compassionate To Others
Being compassionate and merciful to others involves recognizing their pain and putting yourself in their place. As a result, you will feel compelled to act, and you will accept responsibility for assisting others.
To be always sympathetic and merciful, one must be regenerated and born again. Yes, an unregenerated individual can be empathetic and generous at times and to certain persons, but not always.
Because the unregenerated human nature is selfish and cares only about himself. As a result, it is impossible for anyone who has not been born again to always be compassionate and merciful.
That being said, one of the indications that you are born gain is if you are continuously forgiving and kind to others.
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Changed behavior
A person who is born again experiences a behavioral shift. They abandon their previous habits and addictions in order to live in accordance with their newfound faith and God’s holiness.
You’re Quick to Forgive
The ability to forgive quickly comes only to people who are truly born again. As a result, it is one of the signs that you have been born again.
One aspect of being born again is acknowledging that you were once a sinner, someone who despised God and enjoyed sin; as a result, you made several mistakes. However, God forgives you and shows you kindness.
As a result, when you interact with people, you are quick to forgive when you are harmed because you believe God has forgiven you. You understand that you have been forgiven by God, so you are quick to forgive anyone who has done harm to you.
Inner Peace
Being born again provides a profound sense of inner peace. It is a peace that transcends human understanding, offering comfort and certainty in the midst of life’s difficulties and uncertainties.
You Exercise Patience In Your Relationships With Others
Patience is a virtue that needs great strength, courage, and determination. It is a lot of work, and it can be extremely difficult to be patient most of the time.
When interacting with others, we attempt to be patient with them, acknowledging their flaws and remembering that we could have been like them, or worse, if not for God’s grace. This is because we understand how patient God has been with us. We also exhibit patience in our interactions with others in order to win them over to God.
The ability to be patient when dealing with others is a virtue that is lacking in today’s world, and it is one of the signs that you have been born again.
You Hate Sin
Hating sin is one of the indications that you have been born again. To hate sin does not imply hatred for the individual who commits it, but rather dislike for any behaviors that disobey and violate God’s commandments.
You detest any behavior that is counter to God’s command. You despise the fact that you have a chance to commit sin on often. As a result, you are dealing and fight with it. You want to avoid everything that will lead you into sin.
Joy and gratitude
Yes, one of the ten indicators you’ve been born again is an expression of joy that is unaffected by your circumstances, as well as a grateful attitude toward life.
The born-again experience fills people with joy and appreciation. They acknowledge and appreciate God’s blessings, finding joy in even the simplest of things and thanking God for his love, forgiveness, and guidance in their lives. This excitement and thankfulness become a source of power and inspiration, which they express through their words and acts.
Hunger for Spiritual Truth:
Being born again instills a desire for spiritual truth and insight. The born-again person seeks wisdom and insight from the Word of God by studying and meditating on the Scriptures to strengthen their faith and align their lives with God’s teachings.
A born-again person is motivated to share their faith with others, spreading the message of God’s love, grace, and salvation. They become passionate missionaries out of real love and concern for other people’s spiritual well-being, rather than out of judgment or obligation.
Being born again results in a profound alteration of the heart and spirit. Believers display the indications of being born again through confession, a new relationship with God, love for others, altered behavior, inner peace, joy, gratitude, a desire for spiritual truth, and sharing their faith.
Are you renewed within?
Cleaning the inside of a person is what constitutes a new birth, not scrubbing down the exterior of a cup or platter. It is all for nothing to place the stone on top of the tomb, give it a very white wash, and decorate it with the in-season flowers; the tomb needs to be thoroughly cleaned. It is necessary to remove the dead man’s bones from the charnel house of the human heart. No, they have to be brought to life. The heart ought to become a temple of life rather than a tomb of death. Is that how it is for you? Remember, this child is not born to you even if you may appear to be very different from the inside out.
Even though regeneration is mostly an internal process, it also externalizes itself. Say, then, has there been an external change in you? Do you really believe that others would look at you and say, “That person is not what he used to be?”
● Are your buddies not noticing a difference?
● Have they not made fun of you for what they perceive to be your prudery, sternness, or hypocrisy?
● Do you think an angel would discover something in you that he has never seen before if he were to follow you into your private life, follow you to your closet, and find you on your knees?
A Fresh Foundation and Idea for Your Life
Not only is your outer self transformed if you have been born again, but your life’s fundamental foundation must also be completely rebuilt. We live to ourselves when we are in sin, but to God when we are born again. Even though we are not regenerating, our guiding philosophy is to pursue our own happiness and success. However, a man who does not live with a very different purpose from this is not genuinely born again. A man’s feelings can be changed by altering his principles. You alter his behavior. Grace now modifies human principles. It places the axe at the tree’s base.
It does not strive to change the sap or saw off a large branch; instead, it provides us a new root and plants us in new soil. The essence of the man, the foundational stones of his values that support the surface-level results of his deeds, the essence of his manhood is completely transformed, and he is a new creation in Christ.
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These signals are based on biblical teachings and serve as guides for individuals seeking a profound and transformative encounter with God. If you recognize these indicators, embrace the process of being born again by seeking guidance from reliable spiritual teachers and immersing yourself in God’s Word.
May this transformative experience bring you closer to God, motivate you to live a meaningful life, and encourage you to spread the message of God’s love and grace to others.