Handbags are classy, handbags are a necessity, and most importantly handbags are fashionable. You can judge someone’s style with their choice of handbags. And that is where everyone wants to buy the best handbags.
Although finding an ideal handbag is pretty hard and you will have to look at a number of handbags before choosing the best one for yourself. When it comes to choosing the right handbag for you and your personality, you will have to consider a number of things, like the size, the color, the occasion where you are wearing them, and last but least, the brand!
The brand of your handbag is much more important than you can possibly think of. In fact, the whole value of your handbag would be decided by its brand. This is where you will have to look for the best handbag brand and choose the best handbag for you.
Although choosing a handbag brand is also a big deal, you will have to do a lot of research and homework before settling down with one handbag brand. But the thing is there are so many handbag brands to choose from and you won’t be able to choose the handbag brand on your own. You have to settle down with the type of handbag brand that has a good brand value, features good designs, and also meets your standards.
So how will you find the perfect handbag brand? Well, this is why you are here, aren’t you? Looks like you have found the best place for this. Here, in this article, we are going to tell you about the 11 best handbag brands which you can find and rely upon.
So let’s move forward and see which are the top handbag brands in the world and which one is the best for you.
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Best Handbag Brands
1. Valentino
Our first choice for the top handbag brands in the world list is Valentino. Valentino is an Italian brand that was founded in the 1960s by Valentino Garavani. With an origin of a fashion capital in the world, the brand does make a mark and interests people in it. Since this is a global brand, you can easily find good handbag designs from this brand.
One of the best things about this brand is its simplistic and minimalistic design that catches everyone’s eyes and at the same time doesn’t seem like too much. The handbags from this brand are pretty cute and accessible. They are easy to handle and carry and also very comfortable as well. Here, another best thing about this brand is that they make affordable handbags that can be easily bought by upper-middle-class or even middle-class women. The price of the handbags starts from 70 dollars and can go up to a few hundred dollars.
Overall, the high quality and the classy design is all that you would need and this is why this is our favorite and one of the top handbag brands.
2. Balenciaga
Balenciaga is our next favorite handbag brand that you can find so far. Here, this brand is also a popular one and it is also the luxury and premium brand that you can find. This top handbag brand also comes of Spanish origin and is highly fashionable and desirable across the globe. The brand was established in 1919 by Cristobal Balenciaga.
This brand aims to provide soft, luxurious, stylish, and durable handbags to their customers. The handbags are designer and feature a distinctive touch that makes them unique from the other handbags that you would find. Here, the customers are in awe of their handbags as they are light, simple, elegant, and can be carried to various occasions as well.
Mostly the brand makes leather handbags that are high in quality, durability, and are also very comfortable to carry around. Although you can find handbags made from other materials as well. The brand features its logo or B on its handbags, which shows its brand value and high standards.
Overall, if you are looking for something simple and elegant, then Balenciaga might be the best handbag brand for you. And just like Chanel, this brand, too, is carried by many celebrities on many occasions. Kristen Stewart is a fan of this brand as well.
3. Christian Dior
Our next best handbag brand for you is the Christian Dior. This is another premium and luxury brand that is seen carried by celebrities and some ultra-rich people. The brand was established by a French designer, Christian Dior in 1946, Paris. This started with Paris, and now the brand has made its mark across the globe and gas stores in 210 different locations. Here, the brand’s net worth is in the billions which means it comes with high brand value as well.
This is a respected and well renowned and recognized brand in the fashion industry and apart from the handbags, there are many other products as well. You can easily see the top models and celebrities carrying their handbags and other stuff as well and flaunting it as well. The brand is known for its designer handbags that are designed by well-renowned designers. The making of the handbags is also very impressive where they take care of every little detail in the handbag and make sure they have the perfect handbag. The artwork and the handbags from this brand are considered as elegant, stylish, beautiful, and magnificent. Since the handbags are handcrafted, you can expect the highest level of precision and quality as well.
Celebrities like Rihanna, Jennifer Lawrence, Carla Bruni, Marion Cotillard, Mila Kunis, and so many more are occasionally seen carrying Dior handbags at many events. There is a vast variety of handbags available for you from this brand so you can easily find the one that suits your needs and meets your standards.
Overall, Dior is undoubtedly the best handbag brand in the world so you would probably like to invest in their handbags too. These are pretty stylish and look so fashionable and elegant, so you can’t go wrong with Dior handbags! So do look for their handbags and see if you can find something good.
4. Kate Spade
Kate Spade is another reputable and one of the best handbag brands that you can find. The brand is pretty popular and also features great value for your money given the bags are so classy and fashionable. This one is an American fashion brand that was established in 1993 and it is going pretty well even now. Even being one of the latest brands and having competitors like Chanel, Dior, and so on, this brand has done a great job in making its mark on the globe and earning a reputation as one of the top handbag brands for women in the world. The brand also has a sister company named Jack Spade which is for men. The brand produces accessories and other items under their label along with handbags.
The brand’s net worth is in the billions as they sell some of the luxury handbags and have a good reputation among fashion enthusiasts. The handbags from these brands are not too expensive and you should be able to afford them without spending a fortune. The targeted customers for this brand are upper-middle-class women and this has worked pretty well for this brand.
With their handbags, you will find unique fabric, color, and shape. These handbags are pretty different from others and make a statement for themselves and this is where they win and make a good reputation for themselves. The best part about the brand is that they produce different kinds of handbags, so it would be pretty easy to find the ideal one for yourself.
Here, the handbags from this brand are seen carried by celebrities and royalty like Kate Middleton, Chelsea Clinton, etc. So you can proudly flaunt their handbags too. Overall, this is one of the top-rated handbag brands and you would certainly find something for yourself.
5. Michael Kors
Our next pick for the best handbag brand is Michael Kors. The handbags are designed by the American fashion designer Michael Kors and he has done a brilliant job in making sure that his customers get the best of the best. He came up with this brand a while ago and produces a number of items. He designs dresses, accessories, bags, and so much more. The designer makes things for both men and women, so you would certainly like that as well. The brand was founded in 1981 in America and now it covers the whole world with 1500 boutiques and 550 outlets.
Speaking of their handbags, they are made for the elite classes and make sure they represent high class and high standards. There are different types of handbags to choose from and you can easily choose the one that can be your ideal handbag. All the handbags are made from premium and finest material. Just like the aforementioned handbag brand, this one too is carried by various celebrities. Overall, there are many reasons to invest in their handbags and one of them is this being the best-rated handbag brand.
6. Prada
Prada is another one of the famous handbag brands that you need to know about. Although you might already know about this popular Italian brand as it has been ruling the industry for more than a century now. The brand was established in 1913 by Mario Prada. The brand specializes in leather handbags, travel accessories, shoes, ready-to-wear, perfumes, etc. They produce these things for both men and women.
The brand is worth more than 8 billion and they are continuously growing as a fashion brand. Their targeted customers are upper middle class and elite classes, so you can expect premium handbags from this brand. The brand has made its presence all over the world via its 618 boutiques. Women all over the world love their handbags as they look exceptional and premium and are made up of high-quality material.
Overall, you can easily find the best handbags from this brand and it would give you a good look as well. So when in doubt, always turn to Prada for the best handbags in the world.
7. Marc Jacobs
Our next favorite handbag brand is Marc Jacobs. Here, this brand is popular for its amazing quality and the distinct features that separate this brand from the others. This brand is named after the designer that established this brand and designed the handbags as well. The brand is spread in the whole world via its 200 retail stores, so you can easily find them in your country or via Amazon.
The brand is most popularly known for its crocodile bags that are popular in the whole world. These are high in quality and are also durable as well. Overall, you would be able to find a good handbag for yourself from this brand at a reasonable price.
8. Burberry
Burberry has also made a place in our list of best handbag brands in the world and you would be happy to take a Burberry handbag with you too. This brand was founded in 1856 making it one of the oldest brands on our list. This brandy comes from British origin and it has made it so far with its high quality and fashionable handbags and other products that the brand produces.
What we like most about the brand is that they have come up with different and unique designs, beautiful colors, and one of the kind patterns that makes them unique among the other brands. This brand is called an affordable as well as exclusive handbag brand so there is your reason to invest in a Burberry handbag. You can see the popular celebrities and elite classes carry the Burberry handbags as well.
9. Fendi
We have another luxury and premium handbag brand for you and it is none other than Fendi. Here, this brand comes from Italian origin and this one was founded in 1925 by Adele and Edoardo Fendi. The brand has targeted the elite and royalties as their customer niche and this is where they win. Here, the brand produces a number of items apart from the handbags, such as accessories, leather goods, shoes, bags, eyewear, fragrances, etc. Here the brand mostly works with the fur and leather material which is the defining character.
The brand has about 200 stores across the world which makes it a global handbag brand, so you can easily find the brand near you. Overall, the brand might be expensive but given the quality and design, they are well worth the money.
10. Gucci
Next on our list of top handbag brands, we have Gucci for you guys. This is another popular and well-renowned fashion brand that you probably already know about. Here, the brand is known to provide the best quality handbags and other luxury goods like accessories, footwear, makeup, fragrances, and also home decorations. The brand was founded in 1921 which makes it a century-old brand. At present, the brand features more than 450 stores across the globe which may be the reason behind its growing popularity worldwide.
The brand makes handbags from various materials such as satin, waterproof canvas, bamboo, animal skins, and so on. These materials are responsible for exotic and premium luxury handbags. Given all these features and good designs, the brand has been a favorite option for many celebrities and rich people across the world.
11. Chanel
Well, what can we pick other than Chanel to end our list of best handbag brands in the world? Chanel is one of the most popular luxury and premium brands in the world and almost anyone who is into fashion would recognize this brand as well.
Here, the brand comes from a French origin and it was established by Coco Chanel in 1909 in Paris. The brand was made for the elite classes and royalties of that time and this brand has come a long way since then as well. The brand has made its presence in the whole world and there are many independent stores that can be found in the famous cities of the world as well. The company raises billions of revenue each year thanks to its ultra-luxury, premium, and crazy expensive handbags and other items.
You can see celebrities carrying their handbags and clutches at many events or just casually. This is the worth of this brand and it would never stop impressing us either. Some of the celebrities seen carrying Chanel handbags are Nicole Kidman, Marilyn Monroe, and many many more.
Speaking of the quality and design of their handbags, each handbag is made up of the finest and high-quality material. The handbags are handmade with hard workmanship and this clearly shows in the quality of the handbags of this brand. There are many materials used in making the handbags, such as wool, sequins, feather, leather, etc.
This means, you can easily find a wide variety of handbags from Chanel, there are all kinds of sizes also present for you to choose from. Every one of the handbags is designer and features something unique about them. Overall, you will find a perfect match for your personality and style. The handbags from this brand may cost you a fortune, but for fashion’s sake, it’s totally worth it.
So these are some of the best handbag brands that you can find. Some of them are luxury and premium handbag brands where you might have to spend a fortune, while others are affordable, classy, and give the best value for your money. So it’s up to you and your bank account, which handbag brand you go with.
Here, we have come to an end for our article as we have provided you with everything that you were looking for, that is the best handbag brands in the world and why they are the best! So what are you waiting for? Just pick the best one for yourself and be all classy and fashionable by flaunting your luxury and designer handbag!
That would be all for now and we hope that you found everything you have been looking for and our article was helpful for you.